New comics, graphic novels and merchandise available from Wednesday, 16 November 2016. FEATURED TITLES: Batman #11 Plunging into the belly of the beast, Batman and his team of misfits infiltrate Santa Prisca. Betrayal and savagery unfold as Batman races to steal Bane’s prized possession …and not everyone will make it out alive. Ether #1 A […]
New Releases: 21 September 2016
Rick Remender reteams with Jerome Opeña and Matt Hollingsworth for Seven To Eternity! Celebrating more than a decade of stories by IDW and Hasbro, the Revolution begins! Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman – the core of the World’s Greatest Heroes… Trinity! And the first crossover of the “Rebirth” era, “Night of the Monster Men”, begins in Batman!
New Releases: 27 July 2016
In order to up her game, Batgirl travels to Japan on a quest to train with the most elite modern combat masters of the East! In Civil War II, sides are harshly divided as the Marvel Universe’s trial of the century reaches its shocking verdict! Rom’s war with the Dire Wraiths hits close to home in “Earthfall”! And in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, can Rey and Finn escape Jakku in an old “hunk of junk” YT-1300 freighter?
New Releases: 13 July 2016
Nightwing returns to Gotham City to reclaim the life that was taken from him! In Horizon, Zhia Malen’s planet is targeted for occupation… by Earth! A major loss sends shockwaves through the super hero community in Civil War II: Choosing Sides! Agent Scully finds herself the target of a stalker in The X-Files! And will Conan The Slayer find a new ally in the chief of a Kozaki raiders camp?
This Week’s Comics – 28 May 2014
Big titles this week as Warren Ellis’ Trees and the Chew / Revival crossover debut, there’s a Giant Size Spider-Man mega one-shot and the final issues of Nightwing and The Star Wars are released! Take a look at the full list of brand new comics right here!
Batman ‘Death Of The Family’ Reading Guide
Here’s a chronological reading guide for the full Batman ‘Death Of The Family’ story arc.
Cover Of The Week 2013: #4
The Best Comic Book Covers of 2013 – Week #4
Top 10 Comics – 19 Dec 2012
Here are the top 10, best selling comics* for this week! ▶ 10 – THOR: GOD OF THUNDER #3 JASON AARON / ESAD RIBIC MARVEL COMICS Following the bloody wake of murdered gods across the depths of space, Thor tracks the God Butcher into the present! Discovering a forgotten cave on earth that echoes with […]
There’s still time to get some eBay Xmas shopping in!
There is still time to snag a whole host of great gift ideas from ACE Comics this Christmas, via our eBay store. But be quick, as the postal deadlines are fast approaching! Here are a few choice cuts… Saga Vol.1 When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they […]
Cover of the Week #47
There was a great selection of beautiful covers on display this Wednesday. Alex Ross was featured on the front of a couple of titles, and we opted for his great ‘poster’ cover for Peter Cannon #3. He also had a cover for The Shadow #8, but we preferred Tim Bradstreet‘s sublime, moody and interesting cover. […]
Top 10 Comics – 21 Nov 2012
Here are the top 10, best selling comics* for this week! ▶ 10 – BATWOMAN #14 J.H. WILLIAMS, III / W. HADEN BLACKMAN DC COMICS The Batwoman/Wonder Woman team-up epic continues! Batwoman may be out of her league as she chases down Medusa! ▶ 9 – NIGHTWING #14 GAIL SIMONE / ED BENES DC COMICS […]
Top 10 Comics – 17th Oct 2012
Here are the top 10, best selling comics* for this week! ▶ 10 – ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN #16 Brian Michael Bendis / Pepe Larraz Marvel Comics ‘United We Stand’ conclusion. Will Miles become a member of the Ultimates?! ▶ 9 – THE MIGHTY THOR #21 Matt Fraction / Barry Kitson Marvel Comics End Of An […]