New comics, graphic novels and merchandise available from Wednesday, 7 December 2016. FEATURED TITLES: Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #1 Following the blockbuster finale of the critically acclaimed Darth Vader series, the fan-favorite character begins an all-new journey! Following her time in the clutches of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Doctor Aphra has barely escaped […]
Star Wars
New Releases: 30 November 2016
New comics, graphic novels and merchandise available from Wednesday, 23 November 2016. FEATURED TITLES: No Angel #1 Religious texts from The Bible to the Sumerian tablets speak of strange creatures descending from the heavens and mating with humans, their children the superhuman heroes of myth. None of this ever meant anything to Iraq War veteran […]
Darth Vader’s Galactic Grotto (2016)
Darth Vader will be visiting ACE Comics in Colchester on Saturday, 17 December 2016 to listen to your Christmas wishes! All ages are welcome!
New Releases: 9 November 2016
New comics, graphic novels and merchandise available from Wednesday, 9 November 2016. FEATURED TITLES: Batman / TMNT Adventures #1 The animated worlds of the current Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nickelodeon cartoon and Batman: The Animated Series collide in this outstanding all-ages crossover mini-series, featuring villains and allies from both universes! Mother Panic #1 Violet Paige […]
New Releases: 12 October 2016
This week’s new comics including James Bond: Hammerhead #1, Reborn #1, Darth Vader #25, All Star Batman #3, Black Science #25, Lost Boys #1 and more!
New Releases: 28 September 2016
Including Teen Titans, Saga, Josie And The Pussycats, M.A.S.K.: Revolution, Detective Comics, Outcast, Spider-Man / Deadpool, Star Wars and more!
New Releases: 14 September 2016
“Rise Of The Batmen” concludes in Detective Comics with a battle that will change Batman’s world forever – and in a way you’d never expect! T’Challa’s failures as king are revealed to the United Nations in Black Panther! Grace’s first test as boss of Briggs Land presents itself! Nothing can prepare Faith for the pinnacle of all her experiences to date: California’s biggest comic book convention! And in Star Wars:The Force Awakens Rey, Finn, Han and Chewie have reached Maz Kanata’s castle…
New Releases: 7 September 2016
Full of fast-paced action, Skybourne is a new, original series from celebrated creator Frank Cho! In a stand-alone tale, Batman tries to keep Gotham Girl from going down a dangerous path! The war rages on in The Walking Dead! Supergirl is back and working for the DEO to defend National City! And it’s the end of an era – could this be the end of Iron Man as we know him?
New Releases: 17 August 2016
Briggs Land contains the largest antigovernment secessionist movement in the US. When matriarch Grace Briggs wrests control, she sparks a war within the community! An insane new era of Suicide Squad begins here with superstar artist Jim Lee and red-hot writer Rob Williams! You’ve never seen a Transformers crossover like More Than Meets The Eye #56 before! And in Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey, Batgirl, Black Canary, and Huntress are all tracking the same mafia capo!
New Releases: 10 August 2016
Superstar writer Scott Snyder explodes into new series All-Star Batman alongside legendary artist John Romita Jr! No Avenger is safe from the fan fiction of Kamala Khan in the All New All Different Avengers Annual! Can Deathstroke be redeemed? Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Labyrinth! And is Darth Vader truly more machine now than man?
New Releases: 27 July 2016
In order to up her game, Batgirl travels to Japan on a quest to train with the most elite modern combat masters of the East! In Civil War II, sides are harshly divided as the Marvel Universe’s trial of the century reaches its shocking verdict! Rom’s war with the Dire Wraiths hits close to home in “Earthfall”! And in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, can Rey and Finn escape Jakku in an old “hunk of junk” YT-1300 freighter?
New Releases: 20 July 2016
An ancient power rises to reclaim the universe itself and not even the Justice League can stop it! Betty and Veronica are America’s sweethearts – until they turn on each other! Enter the world of Snotgirl from Scott Pilgrim’s Bryan Lee O’Malley! Sgt. Kreel is back with an all-new squad of Stormtroopers in Star Wars! And Deadpool is a terrible team leader. Think we’re lying? Ask the Mercs For Money!