ACE Comics are selling tickets for ‘Castle Zombie’, a zombie day event organized by horror production company Silent Studios, which is taking place at Colchester Castle on April 3rd 2013.
There are two types of ticket available…
General Admission Ticket: £5.00
This ticket will get you entry to the Castle, a visit the Zombie Dungeon and entry to the Fancy Dress Competition (lots of prizes to be won)
VIP Ticket: £20.00
This ticket will get all of the above, plus entry to the VIP area which houses the Xtreme Gaming Competition area, meet Nick Mundy (a zombie from the Walking Dead TV show), cinema showing ‘Ace The Zombie’ and ‘Before Dawn’ (prizes to be won here too), meet the cast of ‘Ace The Zombie’ and ‘Before Dawn’, meet the band Eastern Front and watch horror make-up artist Robbie Drake at work
Metal Radio will be broadcasting and interviewing throughout the event and Ace the Zombie will be terrorizing visitors (his favourite victims can win goodies too)
You can find out more information from either Silent Studios website, their Facebook page, or the Castle Zombie Facebook Event.
To buy tickets from ACE Colchester, either pop in to the store, or telephone us on 01206 561912.