Here are the top 10, best selling comics* for this week!

Thanos rules!

Acting as bodyguard for her first-ever client, Buffy has found herself entangled in some nasty demon business with ties to Angel and his time in LA. Through the social network Tincan, some demons have been able to connect to our world, and any attempts to sever that connection will lead Buffy and her client into increasingly dangerous territory.

How did Barbara first become Batgirl? What led to her to don the cape and cowl?
Witness Barbara Gordon’s shocking injury and her inspiring drive to recover and walk again!

The Hellfire Club is on the run from Cyclops and rest of the Phoenix Five.
How does an anti-mutant organization operate in a mutant-run world?

Damian’s complicated relationship with his mother, Talia al Ghul, takes center stage.
Bred to kill and not to care, this is the birth of an assassin!

Crossing over with FF #22, the Fantastic Four must deal with the fallout of the Wizard returning to claim his son, Future Foundation member, Bentley 23!

AVX #11 tie-in!
Cyclops and Emma have supreme power and it threatens to tear them apart.

AVX tie-in!
New York is burning, the world is ending…but the heroes on the street aren’t going down without a fight!

The final month of AVX opens with the first of two extra-sized issues!

Bruce Wayne has returned from his worldwide quest to take the law into his own hands!
This issue reveals the early steps of building everything that surrounds Batman – the costume, the cave, the car, the gadgets!