Bob’s Burgers



    Dynamite Entertainment

    Subscription Type

    Short (x6 Issues)

    Bob’s Burgers is back for more! Join the Belcher family for the second-ever series of the Bob’s Burgers comic book!

    Brought to you by the producers and animators of the hit TV show, this series brings back your three favorite Belcher kids, along with some brand-new stories from the minds of Bob and Linda.

    Each comic includes new installments of Tina’s Erotic Friend Fiction, Louise’s Unsolved Mysteries and Curious Curiosities, Gene’s Rhymey Rhymes That Could Someday Be Songs, Linda’s Attempts to Take a Nice Family Picture in Front of the Restaurant (And How It Always Goes Wrong), and Bob’s Fantasy Food Trucks (If Money Were No Object).

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    Please note:

    6-Issue Subscriptions contain six subsequent issues of a chosen series dispatched individually as the issues are published and released. The subscription will begin from the next availble issue, not from the beginning of a series if previous issues have already been released.

    For more information see our Terms and Conditions.