Building on the success of our 6-Issue Subs, we are now able to offer unique Miniseries Subscriptions containing the complete runs of selected upcoming miniseries!
Our easy-to-use service is a fabulous way to make sure you don’t miss out on a single issue. Go to the Miniseries Subscriptions, find the selected miniseries you want to subscribe to, and once you have completed the checkout, sit back, relax and the entire run of the miniseries will arrive regularly through the mail, bagged and boarded!
We are only offering complete runs on miniseries, so they will only appear on the website for a limited time, after which they will be replaced with brand new miniseries subs!
Head over to Miniseries Subscriptions now and don’t for get to check back, as new miniseries will be added as they become available.
On offer this month…