Marvel continues to roll out some major changes across some core titles, introducing a number of fresh takes on established characters. First we had the arrival of a female Thor. Now more of the Avengers face some changes with the introduction of All-New Captain America and Superior Iron Man. To accompany the Sam Wilson-fronted All-New Captain America title, Captain america And The Mighty Avengers is also on the way.
To round off the new Marvel ongoing series arriving in November, spinning out of the “Spider-Verse” event we have Spider-Woman, as Jessica Drew returns!
Be Superior! How much would you pay for perfection? Beauty? Immortality? Tony Stark knows, and he’s ready to give it to you in Superior Iron Man #1! But at a terrible price. Spinning out of Avengers And X-Men: Axis, the old Tony Stark is back, only this time he’s Superior! More stylish, more confident, and more cunning than ever before. And he’s ready to lead you into the future! San Francisco is about to become the prototype for his new world concept. The first step? Release Extremis upon the entire city! Only Daredevil isn’t down with Stark’s new vision of the future. Does the Man Without Fear have a place in the city of tomorrow? A bold new direction for the Armored Avenger begins this November from the all-new creative team of Tom Taylor (Injustice: Gods Among Us, Earth 2) and Yildray Cinar (Supergirl)!
Be Superior!
New creative team Tom (Injustice: Gods Among Us / Earth 2) Taylor and Yildiray (Supergirl) Cinar start an all-new series spinning out of Axis! How much would you pay for perfection, beauty…immortality? Tony Stark is going to find out. The Axis effect has changed Iron Man. Now he’s going to change the world …at a terrible cost.
This is it! The all-new, Spy-Fi, highflying adventures of Sam Wilson Captain America and Nomad begin here!
Hydra is growing, the terrorist band have has infiltrated the Marvel Universe completely! But what is their ultimate goal? United by Hydra, Cap’s rogue’s gallery gathers to take down the new untested Captain America and Nomad!
“Axis” tie-in, spinning directly out of Avengers And X-Men: Axis!
Sam Wilson has become Captain America, and when he assembles the Mighty Avengers, he has a whole new mission statement in mind for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. But how do the events of Axis already spell doom for the team’s new direction? And what is Luke Cage doing meeting with the head of the notorious Cortex corporation? And why is Spider-Man trying to rejoin the team–doesn’t he know Luke and Jessica have been itching for payback ever since he tried to take their daughter to Child Services back when he was “Superior”?!
They’re the Avengers for the people, of the people – helping whoever needs it, however they need it. And together with Sam Wilson – the all-new Captain America – they are Mighty.
But in the wake of the earth-shattering events of Axis, are they truly together? Or about to fall apart?
New Ongoing Series/ “Spider-Verse” tie-in!
Jessica Drew has been an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and agent of S.W.O.R.D., an Avenger and so much more. But nothing could prepare her for the multidimensional insanity that is Spider-Verse! A war is brewing, and every spider-character in the multiverse is a target! But being a target is something Jessica Drew just won’t abide. She’s a woman with a mission and with Silk, the newest spider-character on the block at her side, she’ll have to put all her training to the test if she wants to make it out of Spider-Verse alive!
“Spider-Verse” kicks off a new ongoing series! Dennis Hopeless (Cable And X-Force, Avengers: Arena) and Greg Land (Uncanny X-Men) bring you a universe spanning adventure starring Jessica Drew Spider-Woman and the newest spider-hero, Silk!