The long awaited Marvel relaunch is almost upon us, with the premiere publisher restarting all of their in-print titles from number one this October. Among the brand new series launching from issue one, you’ll find Amazing Spider-Man, Extraordinary X-Men, Astonishing Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Blade, Avengers, Guardians Of The Galaxy and Uncanny Avengers!
We have our top recommendations available as 6-Issue Subscriptions listed below, along with Marvel’s wookiee oriented five-issue miniseries, Star Wars: Chewbacca, and the highly anticipated Captain America: White, the new miniseries from Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale (the acclaimed team behind Batman: The Long Halloween, Daredevil: Yellow and Spider-Man: Blue).
We’re predicting strong sales for All-New All-Different Marvel, so grab a subscription and guarantee ground-level entry on your favourite books for this comic October!