Make sure you head to your local ACE Comics Store this Saturday to take advantage of our brand new, spectacular, 50p Back Issue Sale!
You will find comics from the last 30-40 years including titles such as Aquaman, The Atom, Azrael, Batman, Captain Atom, Captain Carrot, Crimson, Dr. Fate, Ex Machina, The Flash, Hawkman, Hawkworld, Infinity Inc, JSA, Justice League Of America, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Legends Of The Dark Knight, Legion Of Superheroes, Martian Manhunter, New Gods, The Punisher, Scout, The Spectre, Steel, Suicide Squad, Superboy, Superman, The Titans and many, many more from DC, Marvel, Vertigo, Wildstorm and others. There are literally thousands of back issues available for just 50p!!!
Only in your local ACE Comics Store this Saturday!