Thank you so much for all of your entries in our FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Adventure Time Colouring Competition!
The talent on display was of a very high level and it was not easy at all to pick our winners. From the stunning colouring of Lucy Parker and Joe Rogers, through the pastel shading of Ruben Harris and Kimberley Brown and the bold and bombastic colourwork of Ryan Balkwill, Shannen Whybrow, Laycie-Bluebelle Newton and Chloe Green, to the all-out colour-fest produced by Evie Loyd, they were all amazing. It was great to see some of you flexing your artistic muscles by adding extra characters from the land of Oo (check out Micah Shaljean and Patrick Huggon‘s entries!), or going for a theme all of your own – Jude Williams changed Finn, Jake, Bubblegum and Rainicorn into My Little Ponies, Nathan and Shaun Oliver turned them into zombies and Sam Harris provided us with 34 brilliant cult, sci-fi and comic references in his work (can you spot them all?).
However, the powers that be have chosen three winners who will all receive a 6-Issue Comic Subscription, and those winners are Hannah Byrne, Alice Askham and Charlie Day-Williams! Congratulations!
Make sure you check out everybody’s work in the gallery below!!!

By Alice Askham
By Charlie Day-Williams