Thanks so much to all of our amazing ACE customers for breaking the record for the third year running and making last Saturday’s FREE COMIC BOOK DAY the most successful one ever!!!
You visited our stores in your hundreds and took advantage of the 50p Back Issue Sale and £1 Graphic Novel Sale (not to mention completely clearing us out of free comics!). We’ve had a huge number of brilliant entries in the Adventure Time Colouring Competition (winners to be announced imminently) and raised £125.91 for Invasion Colchester through the Charity Raffle and Clive Double’s Zombie Make-Up. There was also a rather eerie ‘Clown Prince of Crime’ lurking among the zombies and other costumed characters all joining in with the spirit of the day.
Thanks are owed not only to our fantastic staff and everyone who helped us out on the day (Clive, Ian, Callum, Abbie, Ben, Nic, Christian, the Zombies, et al), but also to our wonderful ACE customers. We are so grateful for your continued support through the years and look forward to seeing you all in our stores before FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2015!
Take a look a our gallery below from the fully stocked shelves at the start of the day, through the first customers through the door and the zombie shenanigans of the afternoon, to the barren, empty shelves at days end. Good times!