More artist chat on the DC site. This time Mateus Santolouco and Ariel Olivetti comment on Dial H and GI Combat / The War That Time Forgot…
Santolouco: “Artwise, I have a lot of freedom to help with the adaptation of his master writing– dynamic and at the same time rough, almost horror-like, way of storytelling for comics– which gives a completely different level of pleasure to work with. Of course I won’t forget the best part that is the chance to create the designs of all these crazy and bizarre heroes that Mr. Miéville is coming up with for every single issue. I’m having a blast with those and I think people will love it just as well.”
Olivetti: “I’m really enjoying this project! It’s my first time drawing dinosaurs and it’s a real challenge for me. It is really cool to work on pages full of action, bright colors and lots of dramatic effects.”