*** Update ***
We are temporarily closing our stores until further notice
After reviewing the constantly changing situation, we felt the safest action is to close temporarily in order to protect our colleagues and our customers, and help to prevent the rapid spread of Coronavirus.
Our online and mail order operations are still active, so if you want to support Ace Comics by continuing to shop with us, you can do so either through our website, or by contacting us via telephone or email, and we will be able to ship goods to you.
Stay safe everybody. We apologise for any inconvenience and hope to see all of you again very soon.
See also Biff’s Bit: Comics Hiatus and Previews Access
Original Post
We are living in truly unique times.
The rapid spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus is not only a globally grave concern, it is causing all of us to live in unfamiliar ways.
We understand that this lifestyle change will affect everyone in one way or another, and wanted to take a moment to communicate how Ace Comics will be operating during this situation.
As long as there are no restrictions on deliveries around the country, we will continue to operate our online and mail order services.
While there are no restrictions on public movement, our stores will remain open. Like others, we have taken steps to ensure they are as clean as possible, both in-store and in our offices. All of the staff are well aware of the need to wash hands regularly and to avoid work should they feel they, or someone they live with, are displaying Coronavirus symptoms. If you are in an at-risk group, are unable, or would prefer not to visit an Ace Comics store during this period, we will be able to send goods to you directly from the store. Contact us for details.
We are preparing for a potentially difficult economic situation and are aware that many of our customers may well face this. We also appreciate those of you who are able and willing to continue your support of Ace Comics (and the comic book market in general) in these times. Therefore, presented below are our details, should you want or need to contact us regarding your comics or your situation.
We wish all of you good health and the strength to ride this crisis out successfully. If you’re stuck indoors, we may have a great reading suggestion or two, to pass the time!
Use our Contact Form to email all of our services
Call 01206 561912 in order to speak to all departments and Ace Comics in Colchester
Call 01702 338174 for Ace Comics in Southend