Although it was only a small number of comics were scheduled for this week, there was still a number of great, eye-catching covers on display!
Amazing Spider-Man reached it’s milestone 700th issue with a selection of variants, and we felt that two stood out in particular – the arresting collage on the regular cover by Mr. Garcin, and Marcos Martin‘s brilliant vertical skyline featuring the names of all of the talented contributors to the entire series! Alex Ross‘s superb work continues to be a highlight on the fronts of Dynamite‘s excellent Shadow comics, this week featuring on The Shadow Special #1, while Eddy Barrows provides a classic, dramatic hero/villain scrap on Aquaman #15. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have a buzz surrounding them at the moment, thanks to the new cartoon, toy lines and dedicated comic series from IDW. TMNT: Secret History Of the Foot Clan #1 debuted this week, with a fresh take on the Turtles on one of the retailer incentive covers, courtesy of the supremely talented Raphael Grampa.
The final number one Cover Of the Week for 2012, however, had to go to…
…the quite simply, beautiful variant cover for Justice League #15 by Billy Tucci, featuring a fine homage to The Great Wave Off Kanagawa by the Japanese artist Hokusai!
Congrats to Billy and DC, they get the last paper crown for 2012!