It’s week 50 of 2012, and here are our picks of the best covers this week!
Batman had a slew of great covers, with three standing out in particular – Greg Capullo‘s disturbingly fantastic variant cover for Batman #15, complete with a shadowy face staring through an upheld skin Joker mask (yeesh!), an inspired, laughing Joker mouth incorporating the Bat emblem on Batman And Robin #15, also by Greg Capullo, and Dave Wilkins energetic and action packed front for Batman: Arkham Unhinged #9.
Mike and Laura Allred continue to make It Girl And The Atomics some of the most interesting covers on the shelves, and in the case of issue #5, it seems It Girl is taking root!
Homages always go down well with us and there were two outstanding examples this week – series artist Gerry Gaylord came up with a brilliant Back To The Future inspired cover for Fanboys Vs Zombies #9, while Casey Collar produced a beautiful and instantly recognisable Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars retailer incentive cover for Transformers: Robots In Disguise #12.
The winner for week 50, however, is the next in a short line of brilliant covers for the series…
…Before Watchmen: Rorschach! Lee Bermejo has once again included the central character’s imagery into an otherwise straightforward scene – for this issue (#3), kicking in a door, courtesy of a boot-sole and splintered wood! Kudos is due!
Congrats to Lee and DC, they get the paper crown for this week!