Some wonderful covers have graced the comic book shelves this week…
The surpirse hit title of the moment, My Little Pony: Friends Are Magic #1, featured a whopping six ‘mane’ covers (groan) from series artist Andy Price – we opted for his interpretation of Applejack (cover B). Stuart Immonen provides a herioc stance for Wolverine and the guys on All New X-Men #2, while the most super of the new super-teams appeared on Ardian Syaf‘s excellent front for Masks #1. Amanda Connor adds yet another fabulous cover for Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #4 and Tristan Jones gets another Ghostbusters comic in the running with a familiar image to fans of the Real Ghostbusters cartoon, on his cover for Ghostbusters #15. Two of this week’s great titles featured simple white backgrounds to showcase the characters; the first being Rafael Albuquerque‘s haunting cover to American Vampire #33 (‘All By Myself’ by Eric Carmen, anyone?), the second being Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #16 by Andy Kuhn, where the heroes in a half-shell appear to be in a bit of a sticky situation.
Wonderful covers indeed. But none quite as hypnotizing as…
…Uncanny Avengers #2 by John Cassaday! Steranko inspired, striking imagery utilizing op art that leaps out from the comic book shelves!
Congrats to John and Marvel, they get the paper crown this week!