Amongst the wealth of fine art on show this week, there were some true gems in the pick of the covers…
Dave Johnson provided yet more comedy gold with the cover to Deadpool #63, while Todd McFarlane borrowed Frank Miller‘s style for an awesome Dark Knight homage on Spawn #224. Alex Ross almost mirrored his fine work on the first issue of The Shadow, but added an element of horror with issue #6 and Punisher Warzone #1 features a beautiful, abstract front from Marco Checchetto.
Almost winning Cover of the Week was Jim Rugg‘s unique artwork for a variant of Bravest Warriors #1, but instead the award goes to…
…Bravest Warriors #1‘s other variant cover by Maris Wicks! This was not only for the excellent execution, but also for it’s fantastic Star-Wars-homage-ness!!
Congrats to Maris and KaBoom!, they get the paper crown this week!