It’s time to reward the hard working artists providing us with instant visual stimulus. So without further ado, let us praise their toil…
There was an interesting use of a butterfly on the front of Warlord of Mars #21 from Lucio Parrillo this week, in order to spare some blushes. Nevertheless, the art is rich and it was definitely one of the standout covers. In contrast, Francesco Francavilla‘s gritty cover for Captain America / Black Widow #636 is dark, moody and emotive. Dave Wilkins has beautifully rendered the videogame versions of Robin, Bane and Solomon Grundy on Batman: Arkham Unhinged #6 and, for those of you with a taste for the graphical, Manhattan Projects #6, designed by series writer Jonathan Hickman, is simple yet impeccably presented.
Almost galloping off with a win this week was Massimo Carnevale and his wonderful cover for Conan the Barbarian #8, but instead the winner of Cover of the Week is…
Greg Capullo‘s classic take on Batman #0. There’s not a lot happening on this cover, but this absolutely quintessential rendition of the Dark Knight almost leaps off of the comic. Nice!
Congrats to Greg and DC, they get the paper crown this week!