Time to reveal the collective ACE Comics choice for Cover of the Week.
As usual, there were a number of great covers this week, ranging from the standard action shots to interesting uses of characters, shapes and styles. Particular favourites were the classically posed He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #1 by Philip Tan and Ruy Jose, Daniel Acuña‘s stylized Uncanny X-Men #15 and a ‘smashing’ Popeye #3 by Tom Neely.
The winner for week 27 is actually a B cover, and a very nice one it is too…
The Rocketeer Adventures 2 #4 by Dave Stevens!
Congrats to Dave and IDW, they get the paper crown this week!
Incidentally, don’t forget to look out for The Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #1 when it hits ACE Comics shelves next month!