The Best Comic Book Covers of 2014 – Week #4
A harsh vertical red line splits the solid black on Ramón Perez’s cover for Cable And X-Force #19. The head and shoulders of a brooding Cable, bathed in red, are positioned centrally as the full-coloured figure of Hope tumbles through the air beneath him. It’s stark, dramatic and nicely stylized!
The image of Hellboy is so synonymous with Mike Mignola’s art style, that it’s always a little refreshing to see a different artist’s take on the character. And that’s just what we get with Mick McMahon’s great image of Hellboy battling skeletal soldiers from the ‘Hellboy Gets Married’ story within.
The front of Deadly Class #1 is moody and cool, presenting us with angry looking teens in black and white before a solid cyan background. Add to that the human remains beneath the surface, and we have an appealing image that marries style and mystery very well.
Amanda Conner’s covers always impress, and her front for Harley Quinn #2 is particularly good. Equal parts cute and disturbing, a close-up Harley is pictured surrounded by the animals she sets out to free, their bloodied paws and snouts adding a dark edge to this otherwise sweet cover.
The next in a fine line of fronts from David Aja, Hawkeye #16 follows the theme set out by the previous few issues while adding something fresh to the series. The overlaid recording form casually detailing the creators is a nice touch that fits prefectly with the trendy, bohemian tone of this fabulous book.
Art Baltazar’s wonderful covers for Dynamite’s series of ‘Li’L’ one-shots have been an absolute joy to see and as soon as we caught sight of a Li’l Bigfoot grinning away behind Li’l Steve Austin and Li’l Jaime Sommers, the Cover Of The Week Paper Crown was only heading in one direction! Too cute!
Congrats to Art and Dynamite, they get the paper crown this week!