The Best Comic Book Covers of 2014 – Week #24
For the second issue in this mini-retooling of Spider-Man’s origin, Alex Ross has produced a fine cover is his usual, high quality style, focusing on a run-in between Peter Parker and Flash Thompson. It’s a great composition, conjuring images from the series early years.
Following last week’s shortlist, another of Ant Lucia’s Bombshell variant covers for DC makes our top six with Detective Comics #32. Ant’s valentine locker pin-up of Poison Ivy is a clear nod to original super-model Bettie Page in a retro 50’s burlesque themed image.
It’s hard not to love Keith Giffen’s Jack-Kirby-esque front for new title Infinity Man And The Forever People #1!
He was on the list with Star Wars #17, and he’s back with issue #18 – it’s Victor Manuel Leza! This time the artwork features the familiar Star Wars gang, heroically posed before a huge, looming Darth Vader and an X-Wing / Tie Fighter flypast. Poster-worthy stuff!
Charles Paul Wilson is the next name on our Cover Of The Week list for his great work on Wraith: Welcome To Christmasland #7. It’s always appreciated when an artist does that little bit extra to make a cover feel like more than just a token image of the title and that’s just what Charles has done here with a wonderful, weathered, vintage-book-like image.
Charles Paul Wilson’s DeviantART page.
The variant cover for Starlight #4 that was our pick of the covers this week is very simple – it features nothing other than talented artist Goran Parlov’s character model for Tilda Starr. What we really love, apart from the finely detailed and illustrated art, are the nods to a male character in a certain other massive sci-fi franchise, complete with low-slung holster, vest and trouser-leg blood-stripe.
Congrats to Goran and Image, they get the paper crown this week!