The Best Comic Book Covers of 2013 – Week #24
Kicking things of we have Stjepan Sejic’s almost cyber-punkish front for ‘Aphrodite IX #2’. Bathed in a green, electrical
luminescence, it’s a hero-shot that benefits greatly from the intricate design of the tech and surroundings, as well as the green/yellow/grey palette and Sejic’s obvious skill!
The Ventriloquist is the latest Bat-Villain to be rebooted in the New 52, and Shauna Belzer (as the FEMALE Ventriloquist is now known) is receiving admiration for being one of the genuinely creepiest and well-rendered of the new villains. Alex Garner has Belzer and her dummy holding Batgirl in a perilous, knife-pointed situation in this disturbing, yet visually gripping cover to ‘Batgirl #21’.
We remember ‘The Raccoons’ – Bert, Ralph and Melissa. They used to fight Cyril Sneer on the TV. They were cool. Rocket Raccoon is an expert marksman and master tactician who fights intergalactic space villains in a team of other-worldly superheroes. He is cooler. And ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy #3’ has a massive picture of his furry face, courtesy of Steve McNiven, which is the coolest.
We think this front for ‘Superman Unchained #1’ by Jim Lee is swish. Depicting Superman staring into the recently-ripped-open-by-him space station, The Lighthouse, it’s a great composition with strong use of perspective with a real look of intention on Clark’s scowled face. We certainly wouldn’t want Superman looking at US like that!
Marcos Martin’s ‘Uncanny X-Force #6’ was almost the best cover out there, this week. Simple, stylish, direct and clever, it contains all the ingredients that make up a winning entry. Any other week, this representational gem would have won, hands-down.
Unfortunately for ‘Uncanny X-Force’, this week also saw the release of…
Marcos Martin’s ‘Uncanny X-Force #6’ could only have been beaten by something spectacular – and that’s just what Pascal Campion provided for ‘Wolverine #4’. This variant cover is part of the ‘Wolverine Through The Years’ series and focuses on Logan’s time in Japan. An absolutely beautiful illustration, it captures the not-often-seen tender side of Logan while the wonderful style, palette and talent of Campion providing a really emotional punch.
Congrats to Pascal and Marvel, they get the paper crown this week!