And so, on to a new year of fabulous front covers for 2013!
Our Cover Of The Week feature kicks of in fine form with the debut of Morbius, The Living Vampire and a beautiful painted cover from Gabriele Dell’Otto. Speaking of beautiful, David Mack makes an appearance with Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Willow Wonderland #3, while Rafael Albuquerque provides an inspiring front for American Vampire #34 and J. Scott Campbell lends his unmistakable touch to Danger Girl/GI Joe #5. The anticipation is building for the next Iron Man movie and this week, Marvel have relased the prelude comic, complete with the fantastic initial movie poster artwork created by BLT Communications.
The first Cover Of The Week for 2013, though, goes to…
…the stunning cover for Teen Titans #15 by Greg Capullo! This image of a shadowed Joker is dramatic, captivating and a bit terrifying in equal measure!
Congrats to Greg and DC, they get the very first paper crown for 2013!