Here are the 20 best-selling comic books at Ace Comics this week…
Ultimate Spider-Man #5
Detective Comics #1085
Rise of the Powers of X #5
Avengers: Twilight #6
Wolverine #50
Flash #9
Sonic the Hedgehog #69
Conan the Barbarian #11
Star Wars: Darth Maul – Black, White, and Red #2
Edge of Spider-Verse #4
Star Wars: Jango Fett #3
Harley Quinn #40
Ghostbusters: Back in Town #3
Batman: Dark Age #3
Spider-Boy #7
X-Men: Wedding Special #1
Green Arrow #12
Hellverine #1
Penguin #10
Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt #1
*Results are based on combined sales for titles across all of ACE Comics’ retail divisions (ie, ACE Advance Order Service, ACE Stores, eBay, Amazon, etc).