Here are the 20 best-selling comic books at Ace Comics this week…
Absolute Superman #5
Amazing Spider-Man #69
X-Men #13
Walking Dead (Deluxe) #108
Iron Man #6
X-Factor #8
Action Comics #1084
Batman: Dark Patterns #4
Deadpool #12
Phoenix #9
Alien: Paradiso #4
West Coast Avengers #5
Batman and Robin #19
Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #2
All-New Venom #4
Green Lantern Corps #2
Jupiter’s Legacy: Finale #5
2000 AD Prog #2422
2000 AD Prog #2423
Hyde Street #4
*Results are based on combined sales for titles across all of ACE Comics’ retail divisions (ie, ACE Advance Order Service, ACE Stores, eBay, Amazon, etc).