A few years ago I ran the ACE Comic Awards and we got a great response, but our reach only goes so far. Now we are linking with Tripwire to produce an award list that will really carry some clout.
This will be the second year that the awards have been run and, like last year, they will be awarded at the Portsmouth Comic Convention on 2nd May 2020. These are not the Portsmouth Comic Convention’s awards, they are Tripwire’s creation, founded by the industry for the industry.
The categories and nominees have been announced after great deliberation and consultation by Joel Meadows (Tripwire editor and founder), Ollie Macnamee (comicon.com‘s Senior editor), Tim Cundle (Mass Movements), and Leonard Sultana (The Convention Collective). They are designed to celebrate the comic medium we all love.
Voting is open until April 30th 2020 and we urge you to pop over and register your opinion on the best of 2019.
Joel Meadows produced over 50 physical issues of the Tripwire magazine from 1992 to 2011, containing in-depth interviews with the likes of Stan Lee and Alan Moore with honest journalism and articles on all aspects of the medium, plus film, TV and novel coverage. Since 2011, Tripwire has gone digital and is available online at tripwiremagazine.co.uk.
Give it a visit if you have not been there before, and don’t forget to VOTE!

Reading Tip for the Month
I have only just got around to reading Superman Smashes The Klan, and what a fabulous first issue it was. Written by Gene Luen Yang and set in 1946, it tells a Superman story based on the powers as first established for him – that is no flying, just leaping – and a lack of knowledge regarding his heritage. The colouring and artwork really give a feel of the 1940’s era, with Gurihiru’s manga-style pencils having clear characterisation and movement.
The story is about a Chinese-American family settling into Metropolis and the racism they face, as much as it is about Superman. It is an all round fantastic book that made me smile and feel happy. This is what an all-ages comic should be. While the comics are currently being published, the graphic novel is scheduled to arrive on May 6th 2020. Preorder it today at a special priced until the end of January – you will not be disappointed!
Mission for the month:
The New Year is here and lighter evenings are going to gradually develop. As always, one of my resolutions is to shout out loud and publicise comics. This I never fail to do (the only resolution I keep to!). First stop this year will be Chelmsford College in February, and in June/July I will be visiting schools in Ipswich to awaken the youth (and the teaching profession) to the wonder and educational value of comics.
Happy New Year to all you Acers out there and happy reading!