Saturday, 10th February 2018
Only in-store at Ace Comics in Colchester
Ace Comics in Colchester are having a HUGE Back-Issue Blowout SALE on Saturday, 10th February 2018.
If you visit the store on that day, you will find…
Thousands Of 50p Back-Issues
Our famous 50p Back-Issues return with thousands of new (old) comics added to the sale!
Special DC Back-Issue £1 Selection
We have 3000 specially selected DC Back-Issue Comics for just £1 each!
20% Off All Back-Issues
All other Back-Issues bought in-store on that day will feature a 20% discount!
So if you’ve got gaps in your Gambits, spaces in your Spider-Mans, or were thinking of picking up some prefectly preserved Punishers, Ace Comics in Colchester on Saturday, 10th February 2018 is the destination for you!
See you there!

T&C’s apply. Ask staff for details