Frank Miller is drawing his Dark Knight Returns saga to a close with the release of the eight-issue miniseries The Dark Knight: The Master Race, beginning in November.
Miller is joined by acclaimed writer Brian Azzarello and artists Andy Kubert and Klaus Janson, in bringing the final chapter to life, following on from 1986’s seminal The Dark Knight Returns and 2001’s The Dark Knight Strikes Again.
“‘The Dark Knight: The Master Race’ will be an eight-issue, comic book periodical, to be published monthly under the DC Comics imprint. Within each 32 page periodical there will be a special 16 page ‘Dark Knight Universe’ comic affixed in the center. Each ‘Dark Knight Universe’ comic will feature a rotating cast of special guest artists and characters.
“We went into this knowing that we had to give fans more,” said Dan DiDio and Jim Lee, Co-Publishers for DC Entertainment. “We’re pulling out all the stops to deliver an amazing conclusion to this exciting body of work. We hope it inspires the next generation of writers and artists, the way it has already inspired us.”
According to Kubert, “Frank Miller and Brian Azzarello have crafted such an incredible story for DKIII, as I am truly honored to be associated with them, this project, and Klaus Janson. We, along with the fans, are in for a great ride!”
“Any opportunity to work with Frank Miller is a happy occasion for me,” said Janson. “When we add the talents of Brian Azzarello and Andy Kubert to the mix, we have the ingredients to achieve something truly memorable. This will be amazing!” –
Destined to become one of the comic books of the year, don’t miss the Dark Knight’s final fight! Add it to your ACE Comics Advance Order or your Economic Comics Pull List, reserve it at your local ACE Comics store, or just preorder the whole series by adding the handy Miniseries Subscription to your shopping basket!