IDW Publishing
New Series and One-Shots
Marvel Action: Spider-Man #1
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Go-Bots #1
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Magic the Gathering: Chandra #1
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Night Moves #1
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Ssukeban Turbo #1
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Star Trek: Waypoint Special #1
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Star Wars Adventures: Destroyer Down #1
Atomic Robo and the Dawn of a New Era #1
Jingle Belle: Homemades Tale
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All IDW Publishing Solicitations
- Spider-Man (IDW) #1
- Spider-Man (IDW) #1 1-10 Variant
- Spider-Man (IDW) #1 1-25 Variant
- Spider-Man (IDW) #1 1-50 Variant
- Spider-Man (IDW) #1 1-100 Variant
- Sonic the Hedgehog #11 Cover A: Gray
- Sonic the Hedgehog #11 Cover B: Yardley
- Sonic the Hedgehog #11 1-10 Variant Fourdraine
- Disney Comics and Stories #2
- Mickey and Donald: Christmas Parade #4
- Uncle Scrooge: My First Millions #3 (of 4) Cover A: Gervasio
- Uncle Scrooge: My First Millions #3 (of 4) 1-10 Variant Mazzarello
- Impossible Inc #3 (of 5)
- Skylanders – Omnibus Vol.1 Graphic Novel
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #72 Cover A: Garbowska
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #72 Cover B: Richard
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #72 1-10 Variant Boo
- My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights #2 Cover A: Fleecs
- My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights #2 Cover B: Hickey
- My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights #2 1-10 Variant Meyer
- My Little Pony: The Crystalling Graphic Novel
- Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 Cover A: Suriano
- Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 1-10 Variant Thomas
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #88 Cover A: Wachter
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #88 Cover B: Eastman
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #88 1-10 Variant Pasztor
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #7 Cover A: Fosco
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #7 Cover B: Fosco & Larsen
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #7 1-10 Variant Eastman
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Vol.16 Graphic Novel
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Ultimate Collection Vol.7 Hardcover Graphic Novel
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Macroseries: Leonardo Cover A: Petersen
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Macroseries: Leonardo Cover B: Campbell
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Macroseries: Leonardo 1-10 Variant Brown
- Dick Tracy: Dead or Alive #3 (of 4) Cover A: Allred
- Dick Tracy: Dead or Alive #3 (of 4) Cover B: Tommaso
- Dick Tracy: Dead or Alive #3 (of 4) 1-10 Variant Allred
- Batman / The Maxx: Arkham Dreams #3 (of 5) Cover A: Kieth
- Batman / The Maxx: Arkham Dreams #3 (of 5) Cover B: Kieth
- Batman / The Maxx: Arkham Dreams #3 (of 5) 1-10 Variant Rodriguez
- Atomic Robo: Greatest Hits
- Real Science Adventures Nicodemus Job #5 Cover A: Mcclaren
- Real Science Adventures Nicodemus Job #5 Cover B: Goux
- Atomic Robo and the Dawn of a New Era #1 (of 5) Cover A: Wegener
- Atomic Robo and the Dawn of a New Era #1 (of 5) Cover B: Zahler
- Star Trek – Next Generation: Terra Incognita #5 Cover A: Shasteen
- Star Trek – Next Generation: Terra Incognita #5 Cover B: Photo
- Star Trek – Next Generation: Terra Incognita #5 1-10 Variant Beals
- Star Trek – Next Generation: Terra Incognita #5 1-25 Variant Woodward
- Star Trek Vs Transformers #3 (of 4) Cover A: Murphy
- Star Trek Vs Transformers #3 (of 4) Cover B: Fullerton
- Star Trek Vs Transformers #3 (of 4) 1-10 Variant Levens
- Star Trek: Waypoint Special #1
- Transformers Package Art Portfolio
- Go-Bots #1 Cover A: Scioli
- Go-Bots #1 Cover B: Blank Sketch
- Go-Bots #1 1-10 Variant Shaw
- Go-Bots #1 1-20 Variant Marra
- GI Joe: A Real American Hero Vol.21 Graphic Novel
- GI Joe: A Real American Hero #258 Cover A: Joseph
- GI Joe: A Real American Hero #258 Cover B: Royle
- GI Joe: A Real American Hero #258 1-10 Variant Sullivan
- GI Joe: A Real American Hero – Silent Option #3 (of 4) Cover A: Diaz
- GI Joe: A Real American Hero – Silent Option #3 (of 4) Cover B: Loh
- GI Joe: A Real American Hero – Silent Option #3 (of 4) 1-10 Variant Gallant
- Dungeons & Dragons: Evil at Baldur’s Gate Graphic Novel
- Rick and Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons #3 (of 4) Cover A: Little
- Rick and Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons #3 (of 4) Cover B: Little
- Rick and Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons #3 (of 4) 1-10 Variant Richard
- Rick and Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons #3 (of 4) 1-20 Variant Fowler
- Judge Dredd: Toxic #2 Cover A: Buckingham
- Judge Dredd: Toxic #2 Cover B: Gallagher
- Judge Dredd: Toxic #2 1-10 Variant Buckingham
- Judge Dredd: Under Siege Graphic Novel
- Road of the Dead: Highway to Hell #2 Cover A: Santiperez
- Road of the Dead: Highway to Hell #2 Cover B: Moss
- Road of the Dead: Highway to Hell #2 1-10 Variant Santiperez
- Magic the Gathering: Chandra #1 Cover A: Lashley
- Magic the Gathering: Chandra #1 1-10 Variant Lashley
- Magic the Gathering: Chandra #1 1-20 Variant Kaluta
- X-Files: Case Files Vol.1 Graphic Novel
- Steve Canyon Vol.9: 1963-1964 Hardcover Graphic Novel
- Sukeban Turbo #1 (of 4) Cover A: Santos
- Sukeban Turbo #1 (of 4) 1-10 Variant Roe
- Jingle Belle: Homemades Tale
- October Faction Vol.5: Supernatural Dreams Graphic Novel
- Delta 13 Graphic Novel
- Night Moves #1 (of 5) Cover A: Burnham
- Night Moves #1 (of 5) Cover B: Burnham 1-10 Variant
- Euthanauts #5 Cover A: Robles
- Euthanauts #5 Cover B: Zarcone
- Euthanauts #5 1-10 Variant Robles
- Lodger #2
- Black Crown – Omnibus Vol.1 Graphic Novel
- House Amok #4 Cover A: Mcmanus
- House Amok #4 Cover B: Mann
- House Amok #4 1-10 Variant Mcmanus
- From Hell: Master Edition #2 (Mature Readers)
- Tales From the Crypt: Werewolf Premium Puzzle
- Wynonna Earp: Thirsty Cowgirl Premium Puzzle
- Legend of Korra: Pro Bending Arena Game